Do you like the feeling of knowing that your money is well invested and well protected? Segregated funds combine the growth potential of a mutual fund with the security of principal guarantees.While similar to mutual funds, segregated funds offer many unique advantages including maturity and death benefit guarantees, the ability to bypass estate probate and potential creditor protection.
Maturity guarantee:
When a deposit matures and is redeemed (a minimum of 10 years from the date of deposit), you will receive a top-up payment, less any withdrawals and fees, if the market value is less than the guaranteed amount.
Death benefit guarantee:
When a segregated fund annuitant dies and the market value of the investment has declined, the named beneficiary will receive the guaranteed amount, less any withdrawals and fees.
Benefits of Segregated Funds
Finding an investment with the right combination of both can be a challenge—which is why you should learn about segregated funds.
Estate Planning
Many people don’t realize that probate is a public process and can cost a significant amount of money. Segregated fund assets can be paid directly to your named beneficiary, thus avoiding the cost and complications of probate. By avoiding probate, you keep your financial affairs private and more of your proceeds pass directly to your named beneficiaries.
Taxation issues such as how segregated funds are taxed at maturity, at death and during the course of the contract can be complex. To help you understand them better, here are some basics.
Annual Tax Treatment: Mutual Funds vs. Segregated Funds
In many ways, taxation of segregated funds is similar to that of mutual funds. However, there are many notable differences that may benefit you.